by Asha Bucklin, Communications Manager
Last spring, pictures started popping up on Twitter, Reddit and Instagram with the hashtag #TrashTag. #TrashTag posts usually include a before and after picture of the area that the person and their group cleaned up. This viral movement has people from all over the world taking direct action to clean up their local greenspaces. The joy and pride in their faces in the ‘after’ pictures is unmistakable. At KftB we see those faces and the pride that comes with environmental stewardship whenever we do a clean-up with our students.
#TrashTag resembles one of KftB’s favorite events — International Coastal Clean Up Day! Groups across the world clean up along their watershed. KftB joined with the East Bay Regional Parks District to celebrate the 35th Annual California Coastal Clean Up Day by taking a group of 20 volunteers up to Point Pinole in Richmond.
Equipped with tongs and reusable bags we took to the coastline to see what we could find. For the most part, our group found soft plastic like grocery bags or candy wrappers. But because Point Pinole is close to a gun range we found dozens of gun shell wads! We also found some surprising items like a pillow, a bucket, one boot, and a rug!
All together KftB staff and volunteers cleaned up 2550 pieces, totaling over 46 gallons, of trash! Across the East Bay volunteers removed 24,856 pounds of trash and 2,195 pounds of recyclables from the coast! And across California 59,772 volunteers removed 469,100 pounds of trash and an additional 33,611 pounds of recyclable materials, for a total of 502,710 pounds or 251 tons! Please continue to celebrate the spirit of Coastal Clean Up Day with your own #TrashTag!