Experiments to Do at Home

Check out the following for environmentally friendly activities you can do with your child!
Share your experience with us! Email Mandi@KIDSfortheBAY.org to share photos, videos, comments or questions.
Tag us on Instagram and Facebook @kidsforthebay. Use #EveryoneisanEnvironmentalist in your posts.
FISH AND CRAB INVESTIGATION – Take a look at these fascinating organisms!
DEEP OCEAN CURRENTS – Create the ocean at home!
HOMEMADE RAIN GAUGE – See how much it’s raining!
CRUMPLED WATERSHEDS – Build a miniature watershed with a piece of paper and see how water flows through the environment! Example Video
COASTAL EROSION EXPERIMENT – Explore what causes erosion of our coastlines with this fun and simple hands on experiment!
KIDS for the BAY WORD SEARCH – Challenge your brain while learning new words!
ALL THE FRESH WATER IN THE WORLD – Learn how much fresh water is available in the world, and why it is important to conserve water!
SPECTACULAR SOLAR OVEN – Learn how to cook your own s’mores using energy from the sun!
KIDS for the BAY CROSSWORD – Challenge your brain while learning new words!
Check out all of our At-Home Activities!
Every Day with Nature where you can find fun outdoor activities to do with your children!
Everyone Is an Environmentalist! where you can find tools for environmentally friendly activities!
Experiments to Do at Home where you can find fun science experiments!