Wildcat Creek Cleanup: Celebrating 30 Years of Impact

Thirty years ago, KIDS for the BAY joined forces with Dover Elementary School and the City of San Pablo to lead a creek cleanup at the local community park. Since the first cleanup, we have hosted this event every year with help from school students and their families. This year’s 30th Annual Wildcat Creek Cleanup was a huge success! KIDS for the BAY (KftB) staff, students and partner teachers, alongside representatives from the City of San Pablo, and high-school environmental leaders from Earth Team, removed 1,040 pounds of trash from Davis Park and Wildcat creek. That’s over half a ton!

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Hayward Students Discover Jobs in the Watershed

KIDS for the BAY Environmentalists from Glassbrook Elementary School in Hayward visited Sheep Camp Creek, a beautiful watershed area in Sunol and protected habitat for the California red legged frog and the tiger salamander. Partner volunteer biologists and engineers from Avila and Associates Engineers Inc. helped our young watershed scientists dissect owl pellets, observe owl hatchlings, investigate aquatic invertebrates, and witness metamorphosis up close

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Small Acts, Big Impacts: KIDS for the BAY Students Help Take on Big Plastic 

KIDS for the BAY (KftB) is excited to be a bigger part of the solution to reducing plastic pollution and microplastics in 2024. Our young Environmentalists have recorded the types and amounts of plastic pollution collected in school neighborhood, creek, bay and ocean cleanups for many years. Now we’re going a step further by tracking the brands of plastic trash they collect, as part of a Plastic Pollution Audit based on the Break Free From Plastic Guidelines. By sharing our students’ data with Earth Island Institute, our fiscal sponsor, we are helping to bring the first major lawsuit of its kind against the biggest plastic polluting corporations.

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Storm Drain Rangers Speak Up!

At the culmination of the Storm Drain Rangers Program at Guy Emanuele Jr. Elementary School in Fremont, fourth and fifth grade students had the wonderful opportunity to test the power of their voices and inspire an audience full of their peers to take environmental action!

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KIDS for the BAY