Partners & Supporters

Thank you to our generous funders and donors!

Foundations, Corporations, Public Agencies, and Other Funders

Alameda County Fish and Game
Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program
Alameda Natural Grocery
Altamont Education Advisory Board
Angora Ridge Foundation
Anonymous Funder
Avila and Associates
Barrios Trust
Bay Area Sea Kayaker
Berkeley Garden Club Conservation Committee
Berkeley Oddfellows Lodge 270
Berkeley Rotary Club
California Coastal Commission – Whale Tail Grants Program
California Coastal Conservancy
California Environmental Protection Agency
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Cestra Butner Family Foundation
Cheese Board Pizza Collective
City of Alameda
City of Antioch
City of El Cerrito
City of Hercules
City of Orinda
City of Pittsburg
City of Pleasant Hill
City of Richmond
City of San Pablo
City of Walnut Creek

Clif Bar Family Foundation
Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Committee
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Dean Witter Foundation
Dodge & Cox
East Bay Community Foundation:
– Jeanette and Mildred Meyers Fund
– Kevin Collins Fund for Children
– Kirby Foundation Fund
– Meyer Family Fund
– Randall T. Lang Fund
– The Basil Hefni Fund
– Richard and Marlene Millikan Family Fund
East Bay Municipal Utility District
(Wastewater Division)
East Bay Community Foundation
– Kevin Collins Fund for Children
Entrekin Family Foundation
Fiddlehead Donor Advised Fund
Footprint Foundation Inc.
JiJi Foundation
Hazen and Sawyer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
– Bay Watershed Education & Training Program
Oakland Rotary Club
Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
Saffron and Poe
San Francisco Foundation:
– Youth Access to Nature Fund
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation:
– Noble and Lorraine Hancock Family Fund
– Tundra Glacier Fund
– Raymond M. Deméré, Jr. Family Fund
– Member of the Donor Circle for the Environment
– Stuart & Daphne Wells Fund
State Farm Insurance Company
Stege Sanitary District
Stillwater Sciences
Strong Foundation for Environmental Values
The Bernard Osher Foundation
The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County
The Joseph & Vera Long Foundation
The Strong Foundation for Environmental Values
The Uplands Family Foundation
Tides Foundation – J. Vance Huckins Fund
Torres-Ramon Charitable Gift Fund (CA Community Foundation)
Town of Danville
UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund
Zip Code East Bay

Evergreen Monthly Donors Club

Annika Rudback
Cynthia de la Fuente
Jennifer Stern
Jessica Nusbaum and Chris Jannusch
Joshua Rai
Judy Kokura and Nicole Martin
Kathleen Azada

Kate Gallagher*
Kimberly Aguilar*
Leilani Alo*
Mandi Billinge and James Kliegel
Natalie Silverstein
Robert and Edna Cox
Sheela Shankar*

Shefali Shah* and Saleem Shakir-Gilmore
Sumana Rao
Tricia Andres and Jacquie Murray
Yolanda Miller
Tiffany Grandstaff*
* Advisory Board Member

Individual Donors

Cynthia Dunham
James Riddell
Mrs. Kathryn G. Riddell
Ray Parise (Pamela Auxter’s Trust)

Gail, Charles and Nate Entrekin
Kuppe and Shaku Shankar
(Shankar Family Charitable Fund)

Habitat Protectors ($1,000+)

Berkeley Oddfellows Lodge
Carol and Arun Patel
Daphne and Stewart Wells
Cody Burr (Saffron and Poe)

Gail and Charles Entrekin
(The Entrekin Foundation)
Lynn and Jeff Horowitz
(The Uplands Family Foundation)

Lynn Landor
Shelley Horowitz
Susan Goldstein and Andy Kivel
(Kivel-Goldstein Family Fund)

Bay Sponsors ($500+)

Alexandria Hilton
Allison and Michael Ottoboni
Canadian Women’s Club of San Francisco
Dilip and Purnima Shah
Katy Lee (Stillwater Sciences)
Ken Mannshardt

Kimberly Aguilar*
Jane Barrett
Leilani Alo*
Mandi Billinge and James Kliegel
Richard and Marlene Millikan
Sandra Tsui

Sapna Khandwala (Stillwater Sciences)
Sue Burt
Sunita Verma
Yolanda Miller

Creek Stewards ($250+)

Bharat and Bharati Mody
Cynthia de la Fuente
Denise Montgomery
Dennis and Jen Harrison
Diane and David Goldsmith
Howard Samuel
Jena Regan
Kathleen and George Wolf

Kimberly Aguilar*
Kristi Kenney (Fiddlehead Donor Advised Fund)
Margaret Norman and Geoff Holton
Maureen Sullivan
James Wilson &  Jena Regan
Robert and Edna Cox
Salomeh Keyhani

Sarah and Andreas Birkedal
Shefali Shah* and Saleem Shakir-Gilmore
Sue Ramsay
Sumana Rao
Tricia Andres and Jacquie Murray

Field Trip Sponsors ($150+)

Alison and Virgil Rhodius
Andrew Patel
Bhavana Mody
Cam and Dennis Wolff
Carrie Wilson and Wick Pancoast
Dilip and Purnima Shah
Elliot Hoffman and Gail Horvath

Ernesto Quintanilla and Seth Skolnick
Jessica Nusbaum and Chris Jannusch
John and Jacqui Billinge
Joshua Rai
Hilary Naylor
Kathleen Azada
Margaret Norman and Geoff Holton

Nick Griffin and Amie Fishman
Pamela C. Auxter
Peter Guerrero
Sheela Shankar*
Tanya Valova and Thomas True
Wesley and Kathleen Asmussen

Environmental Action Project Sponsors ($100+)

Amy Morris and Jeffrey Srob Odell
Andrew Lurie
Arthur Clinton
Bethany Golden and Benjamin Siegel
Burton MacArthur
Charli and John Danielsen
Christopher Michaels
Clifford Thompson*
Darlene Ceremello
Denise Brown
Franca Cioria
Fred and Wendy Keith
Gaby Antonova

Heath Thomas Maddox and Julian A. Foley
Jon Knight
Joy Picus
Joyce Thieman and Earl W. Ross
Jonathan Sorof
Judy Damoulos
Kristi Kenney
Laura Prival
Lynn and Luring Hedin
Margaret M. Kliegel
Michelle Calavita
Mike and Sue Mannshardt
Nick Griffin

Natalie Silverstein
Patricia St. John
Robert and Diane Thiltgen
Shirleymae and Igor Skaredoff
Sonia Kirova
Susan Wilde
Toni Chan
Toni Garrett
Valerie Lowe
Wick Pancoast and Carrie Wilson
Winnie Tan

Classroom Workshop Sponsors ($50+)

Alison Mooradian
Barb Vasquez
Courtnee Hamity
Ekaterina Radeva
Elaine Miyamori
Emily and Brian Lowe
Francis Mendoza
Gail Harris
Geran Ranney
Jack Pease
Patrick Stair
Judy Kokura and Nicole Martins

Kam Phillips-Sadler
Kari Gim
Karen Proehl
Kim Lewis
Kristin Sebastian
Madeline DeCicco-Lowrey and Clay Lowrey
Magi and George Petkovi
Maia and Brett Singer
Marika Holmgren
Margaret M. Kliegel
Marlene Nusbaum

Nancy Kent
Robert J. and Margaret DeCicco
Ruth A. Pease
Sandy Calloway
Sharon Sill
Thomas Bagamane
Tiffany Grandstaff
Winnie Tan

Environmentalists (Up to $50)

Alison DeJung & Jason Goldheim
Annika Rudback
Asha Bucklin
Belinda Rule
Bruce Lin
Claire McMurtry
Corey Chan
Ellen Ayres
Elizabeth Beeby
J. Patrick Stair
Jana Hassan

Janet and Alan Gervolstad
Johnny Roberts
Lydia Garvey
Marianne Keith
Maureen Jasperson
Margaret Bishop
Melina Selverston Scher
Patty Clark
Paulina and Ivan Chotov
Pam and Gene Pease
Rachel Beth Egenhoefer

Robert Flasher and Deborah Kendall
Russel Kliegel
Sobha Kollipara, M.D.
Vicki and Dave Shreiner

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

Alison Makipour
Allison De Gros
Amanda Steigerwald
Amie Fishman
Amy Waxman
Andrea Warren
Ashwini Vaidya
Beth Puno
Brian Shillinglaw
Cheryl Chi
Cindee Madison
Claudia Thiltgen
Connie Choi
Courtnee Hamity
Donna Lee
Duncan Robson
Ellen Ayres
Ellie Gladstone
Elizabeth Morris
Emily Rosenthal
Garth Schultz
Georgeanne Fordham
Ingrid Severson-Tondre
Jaclynn Davis
Jan Eiesland

Jason Ling
Jena Regan
Jennie Mollica
Jill Jackson
Joanna Katz
Jonah Landor-Yamagata
Joshua Sussman
Joyce Lupack
Julie Dunaway
Kate Miller
Kathy Grosswiler
Kevin Jude
Kristiana Tom
Kristin Anderson
Kristina Yoshida
Kyle McCulloch
Kyoko Aoki
Laura Steinborn
Lauren Westreich
Leah Granger
Lisa Hsia
Mandi Billinge
Maia Bazjanac
Mark Jacobs

Melanie TangMinda Glynn
Miranda Worthen
Molly Keegan
Mynda Glynn
Naomi Odean
Naomi Schiesel
Nicole Dare
Niki Shelley
Rachel Sing
Rebecca Meyer
Rebecca Miller
Robin Haller
Sarah Holzman
Sarah Romoslawski
Sarah Sawyer
Sawn Nykamp
Scott Richerson
Sheela Shankar*
Silvia Yee
Tam Liljefelt
Tara Cyphers
Talia and Ilana Golin
Wendy Bonner

Summer Camp Donors

Aaron Fischer
Alexis Lavine-Moore
Amber McClure
Amie Fishman
Anne Mawdsley
Apurva Dave
Brian Welty
Cassandra Calloway
Catherine Pixley
Cindy Chan
Connie Choi
Delaney Andersen
Donna Lee
Emma Soichet
Florence Zakharov
Heather Rowley
Jack Schonbrun
Jeff Weeks
Jennifer Lachance
Jennifer Reisch

Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Welch
Jessica Warner
Julia Drees
Julia Pon
Julie Beagle
Karen Leung
Kari Yasuda
Katherine Webb-Martinez
Kerry Linetzky
Kimberly Lake
Kristina Yoshida
Kumara Oyao
Leslie Roulias
Lindsay Kraybill
Liping Song
Loulena Miles
Marianna Stark
Melissa (Missy) Dawson
Miranda Worthen

Morganne Beck
Odin Zackman
Patrick Taylor
Rattanawali Brodsley
Rebecca Meyer
Rita Smith
Saejae (Sarah Jane) Chaumette
Sapna McCarthy
Sarah Ago
Sonja Gomez
Stephanie Travaille
Sue Burt
Susan Thomakos
Susan Yee
Tiffany Grandstaff
Tiffany Roberts
Travis Dillon
William Chan

* Advisory Board Member


Matching Donations

Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Silicon Valley Comm. Foundation
Two Sigma Investments
United Way of the Bay Area

In-Kind Contributions

Cheese Board Pizza Collective
Berkeley Bowl West
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods Market