Exploring the Last Shrimping Village in the Bay Area
By Valerie Lowe, Program Manager
China Camp State Park is home of one of the only remaining shrimping villages in the entire Bay Area! This summer, KIDS for the BAY Summer Campers were lucky enough to attend KIDS for the BAY’s first ever Field Trip visit to China Camp State Park.
Campers were fascinated to learn that the village reached its peak in the late 1800s, when almost 500 residents worked and lived in this small bustling community! Generations of fisherman caught shrimp in this area until as recently as 2016, when the last remaining resident of China Camp Village passed away.
Many campers were also eager to investigate the unique natural habitats in the park. On a hike through the oak woodlands, campers were excited to see wildlife. “I’ve never been this close to a deer before!” shared Isabel, when the group saw deer grazing just off the trail. Campers also visited the museum in the village to learn about shrimping and shrimp food chains. “I never thought about how shrimp are caught before and what that might do to marine food chains,” said Kavi.
Thanks to Friends of China Camp, our curious campers were able to spend the day learning about the natural history of the park and the important cultural background of the fishing community that used to be located there. Campers made interesting and important connections between the natural and cultural significance of the area. “I’m excited to teach my family what I learned and to take them to all the new places I’ve visited at camp!” shared Una.